10 March 2018

Avoidable Errors In Postcard Marketing

By Christopher Murphy

There are many ways to inform people in the current world in terms of marketing to improve the sales of the items. Technology has made it so much easier by having the radio, television and mostly the internet in conjunction with social media platforms. However, people still use the old methods, print media to be specific. Postcard marketing when done right is one of those methods that are effective in advertising.

In advertising, you must be persistent on the marketing strategy. People are captivated by adverts, and they stick with them for as long as they are repeated and people get used to. If things were only advertised once no one would remember and not many would be keen to purchase the product or service. However, if you keep sending the postcards repeatedly, the clients will be able to familiarize.

Another major mistake is sending an impersonal card. This means that the card is too formal and the client is unable to relate to it. At the same time, it does not mean that the postcard should not be formal. The secret is to pass across the message in a friendly way. Statistics show that friendly postcards get more replies as compared to the serious formal ones.

In order to avoid mishappenings with the postcards, you should come up with a schedule that makes your work easier. You should start by finding out on what days the mail services are less active. These should be the day to mail your postcards as there will not be too much bulk. Invest in quality stamps in order to avoid the postcards getting lost and never being found.

Printing dos not require for you to spend a lot of money in order for it to sell. You can do your own printing for much less and still come up with attractive pictures. If, however, the sizes that you need to be printed are large, you can go to a professional printer. This will not be expensive as you would expect as the price will fit the result.

As you advertise, make sure you give enough detail on the postcard but not too much. You should manage to keep the client interested and wanting to know more. If you give all the information on the postcard, the client may lose it and forget all about it eventually. But with suspense, they will dig up more information.

The image, the headline and the framing of the words is very important. You should have a catchy image, but it should be related to the information being passed across. The headline too should be worded in a manner to capture the attention of the reader. Once they are enticed, they are bound to read through the whole postcard.

Make sure you include your contact information. Otherwise, you are bound to lose a lot of potential clients. So as you work on the post card to be the best it can be, include information on how to reach you or learn more about your company.

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