15 July 2018

Questions Regarding Video & How It Ties Into Web Design In New York

By Arthur Williams

To make your website stand out, you have to implement high-quality content. Video is one of the many examples of content that not only generates attention but could prove useful from a sales perspective. With that said, you may be curious to know how to implement video so that it provides value without hampering your site's functionality. Here are a few questions that Long Island web design companies will be able to answer.

"How long should a website video be?" This depends on the specific type of content you're looking to showcase. According to companies such as Lounge Lizard, if you're shooting for a testimonial, keeping the video length within one minute or under is best. What this does is provide information and content without spending too much time doing so. After all, you don't want to lose the attention of those that could become future customers.

"Should I include auto-play?" If you're planning on implementing website video content, auto-play should be avoided. When someone clicks on your website, they don't expect to be immediately met by a video. As a matter of fact, this can turn people away from your site altogether. Auto-play is seen as one of the biggest no-nos of web design. Thus, it should be avoided at all costs. The quality of your website will be better for it.

"What should a video have to encourage further engagement, sales, etc.?" If your goal is to produce these sorts of results, focus on incorporating a call to action into each video you create. For instance, you can end a video by encouraging the user to use a promo code on a future purpose. You can also tell them to sign up for your newsletter to learn more about industry news, your products, or what have you. A CTA could be the stepping stone to help a viewer make a purchase, which makes it all the more worthwhile to include.

For those that have been on the fence about developing video content for their websites, rest easy knowing that the process isn't as difficult as it appears. It's a simple matter of creating content that will be able to complement your site, not take away from it. It should provide value but it must also be functional across numerous devices. Given the fact that more and more people are on the move these days, mobile design should be as much of a focus as traditional design.

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