15 January 2013

Facebook posts they'll like

By Mark Willenberg

A Facebook "Like" on your updates, whether they be post, image, video, or link, amongst many other pieces of content means the person who "liked" it thought it was intriguing enough to give it their approval. Apart from making you feel good to acquire such approval, Facebook metrics also raises the opportunities the material you shared will appear amongst the various other top material in the "Top News Feed" rather than just the plain old "Current News.".

With this in mind, how then can you maximize the "Likes" on your Facebook posts? First, give your posts some thought before posting. Ask yourself if your particular Facebook audience will enjoy the humorous post you just wrote or more serious and educational posts? By being aware of how your particular Facebook community is engaged and interacts, you will know what makes them hit "Like" and comment. You can do this simply by observing what content your friends and associates "Like" and "Share." Always keep them in mind when creating posts.

Next, be individual. Being a genuine person rather than a virtual one draws in people's attention. Share exactly how you have actually overcome an issue that your audience might be facing. On more professional platforms, you can start by stating this is an "off subject" post. In addition, to draw attention to you is by asking a question. Everybody enjoys to help, and undoubtedly, your concern or plea will get both "Likes" and remarks.

As well as all this, make sure you "Like" and comment on posts made by others so they are aware you are communicating to the neighborhood and will reach out back.

Lastly, if you do get "Likes" and comments, it wouldn't hurt to say "Thank You!" Likewise make sure to reply promptly to any concerns or remarks posted to you. In fact, by doing the latter, the talking about this and engagement grows as do the "likes.".

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