22 June 2014

Selling With Google Ads Or Selling Products On Amazon - Which Is Best?

By David John

If you have a physical product, or a digital product such as a nonfiction or fiction book, you might be wondering which would be the better choice in regard to marketing the product that you have. Many people will place physical items on Amazon to sell them, whereas others will simply create a website with a payment button using PayPal, and then drive traffic using Google Ads. There is some debate over which method for getting quality traffic to your products in order to make sales works the best. Here are some suggestions in regard to what you should do in order to start generating revenue this week.

Selling Products Using Google Ads

The most positive aspect of using Google Adwords to sell your products is because you can tap into the exact audience that you want to sell to by targeting specific keywords. This will send targeted traffic to your website where you can potentially make a sale. The only problem with this form of advertising is that the product sales page needs to convey an extreme amount of trust. They must want to purchase what you have to sell based upon the way you present it, or else each click that you are paying for may not lead to very many sales.

Using Amazon To Sell Products

First of all, Amazon is a trusted name. Therefore any product that is listed on Amazon is going to have a little more credibility than a website that you set up that they have never heard of before. Second, people on Amazon are buyers. They are there to buy products. Therefore, when they find your product, because it is on Amazon, it has that built-in trust factor, which will motivate them to make the purchase. These two reasons alone will clearly show you why it is a better idea to market your products on Amazon, especially if you are just starting out, and you are working with a limited advertising budget.

Google ads is a great way to promote products, but people need to realize this is not always the best way. However, people will find that Amazon is going to be another great site to sell products on as well. This is when people should know which of these is going to be better for them and how each one of these is different. Google ads is going to be an ad placement for people to post ads to, for a fee. However, their is no guarantee of people finding the ads or even worse clicking to complete the purchase of the product that is being advertised. People also need to realize they have to get some type of website or other selling platform already in place to get the traffic sent to.

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