23 October 2018

Tumblr Blogging Tips Provided By Long Island Advertising Agencies

By Paula Hess

There is a host of benefits to blogging on Tumblr. Not only does this social media platform serve as something of a blog platform in its own right, but it boasts a wide audience that, with the right content, can be directly engaged with. Blogging on said social platform may be easier said than done, though, if you lack an understanding of Tumblr and its various complexities. Here are a few tips that the best Long Island advertising agencies can provide.

To start, understand that images go a long way in addition to written content. In fact, those that have used Tumblr in the past will tell you that this platform favors visuals more than anything else. What this means is that if you rely on long-form material alone, you may not see as much engagement as you'd like. By including a few images with each piece of written content, you will start to use Tumblr as a valuable tool for your business.

If your goal is to cover news stories on Tumblr through your blog, focus on the recent ones that users are talking about. You may be able to see the news that's trending based on the users that you follow, which should provide additional insight. The general rule of thumb is that if a story is more than a week old, it may not be worth talking about. This is especially true when you consider how quickly content moves on Tumblr and social media as a whole.

Outside of blog writing, engagement with one's audience is vital to blogging on Tumblr. Let's say that your blog reaches the point where your content receives likes and reblogs on a daily basis. In this scenario, it would make sense to stay engaged with your followers. This will allow you to reach out to them and let them know that you appreciate their support. The more that you engage with them, the stronger your blog's reputation will become.

Finally, make sure that your blog stands out from the pack. While this may seem like a challenge, Tumblr offers a number of themes that you can use, whether your blog is focused on images, long-form editorials, or what have you. Furthermore, you can implement your own theme by way of HTML. Presentation goes a long way, meaning that if your blog fails to stand out, your content will follow suit.

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