26 June 2013

Tips On Selecting The Right Keywords For Search Engine Optimization

By Garrett Chadburn

Since all of the many algorithms, used by Google, Yahoo and other search engines are based on key words and phrases, these are very important when looking to get the attention you need to your website. Selecting the right keywords for search engine optimization or SEO, should be paramount in the planning that goes into that new page you are trying to get launched. A few hints or tips will go a long way toward getting you on the right track.

You should be well informed about what you are promoting. In other words, the subject of the website and the niche it represents needs to be well formed in your mind. Knowing that, looking for the right key words should be a lot easier. This should be accomplished before starting any search for keywords as many of them will present themselves to you during this time.

The first keywords you will want to document are the easiest to attach to your website. If the site is a gambling site, those words will be first. Gambling, keno, poker will be the ones that come to mind quite easily. You will go in different directions as you get more involved.

Think about what words you would use to describe what you are looking for when you want your website to show up. In other words, identify how would you locate your website if you did not know it was out there. Take all of the words you have found, so far, and using a good keyword research tool, enter them and see what this gives you.

The Google changes have resulted in that search engine looking at long tailed keywords in a better light than they did before. That means that some of the best key words are actually keyword phrases of more than a few words. That opens a lot of options for you.

The decision about whether to go wide or deep in searching for the correct words is better left to the Gurus. This is because one of them will say one way is best and the other will disagree. That leaves you in the same place you were. Check every keyword or phrase you plan to use in your favorite engine to make sure it has the pull you want it to have.

You might find that the best key words or phrases are something that you did not think of before. Selecting the right keywords for search engine optimization can be fun journey or a lot of hard work. Getting the right tools to help you will pay off in a better selection than you may have imagined.

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