13 April 2019

The Do's And Don'ts Of FAQ Pages For Long Island SEO Success

By Arthur Williams

There are many components that can make or break a website. One of the most crucial, according to those that work in Long Island SEO, is the FAQ page. Frequently asked questions should be responded to with as many details as possible, which will help users make more informed decisions about certain products and services. To make your own FAQ the best that it can be, follow these do's and don'ts as closely as possible.

When developing an FAQ page, written copy and images alike should be included. It's common to only include text, and while this is what will ultimately help with SEO, the truth is that it can't do everything. Images provide more insight into what users are looking for, allowing them to visualize when they wouldn't have been able to otherwise. This is just one of the many tips that reputable marketing names, fishbat.com for example, can provide.

Next, ensure that there is a hierarchy when it comes to frequently asked questions. For example, a user may want to know what, exactly, a company is; this question should be among the first they see. From there, questions about the company's location, how long they've been in business, and other such facts should follow. When questions are positioned in this way, it makes the FAQ page itself more streamlined, positively influencing SEO in the process.

There are a few things to avoid in the FAQ page creation process, though, starting with an overreliance on keywords. To say that keyword stuffing is problematic to SEO would be an understatement, as it can hurt your rankings in the long term. Relevant terms should be included in your content, but only in spots where they appear to be natural. Furthermore, you don't want them to take up the bulk of your FAQ page real estate. Rich, user-focused content should be the priority.

Language is another factor to consider when it comes to FAQ page development. To be more specific, you should keep the language in question as general as possible. Focus on using general terminology that anyone, regardless of their knowledge of your company, will be able to digest. An overreliance on industry wording would be an oversight. By keeping these details in mind, the FAQ page on your website will be that much more SEO-friendly.

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