20 August 2012

Definition Of Seo

By Julia Murtba

The definition of "Organic SEO" is the unpaid optimization of content for search engine indexing purposes. When search engines such as Google are tasked with displaying relevant search results to the browsers, organic seo helps them find your site. This is the opposite of PPC, or paid search, which enables websites to achieve high rankings by paying for impressions or the number of times the website link shows up, as well as for conversions, which are known as "click-throughs".

The best way to achieve Organic SEO is by having a website that conforms to all of the rules within the algorithms used by search engines. Real organic content is the most important of all of the facets of organic seo. Fresh, unique, and relevant content is crucial for a great rankings. Practicing good organic SEO means creating a website that boasts quality content and offers real value to the visitor, has frequent updates, and uses rule-abiding processes. If the website follows these guidelines consistently, it will earn great rankings in the organic search results.

Once upon a time, all that was needed to get your website found by the search engines was to fill the copy with keywords, whether it made sense or not, and update your website once in awhile. before that, webmasters could practice cloaking and stealth methods such as writing keywords in white font in the margins of web pages. These words could not be seen by users, but would be found by search engine spiders and help to achieve a high rankings. Currently, search engines like Google are able to detect efforts to trick them and have tightened up processes to prevent low quality websites being ranked high.

Google's "Farmer Update", also known as Panda, was a radical step taken by the search engine company to protect users from low quality search results. The update forced websites to review their published content in terms of quality of the writing, plagiarism or duplication of content from other sites, and unsavory practices such as keyword stuffing and cloaking text. This was a tremendous blow to content mills, many of which had multiple articles on similar topics published on their sites to provide platforms for online advertising, affiliate links and back linking to other websites

Since the implementation of Google's Panda update, the first 2-3 pages of current search results will usually show websites that are using good organic seo practices. This has resulted in Internet marketers and website designers having to rewrite their web content, eliminate duplication and make sure the quality of their overall message in terms of copy was tight. Since simply copying other sites content was no longer allowed, unique organic content production has become a serious business in its own right. To recap, Organic SEO relies on following the best practices and writing quality content that will be useful to visitors as opposed to the many tricks used by webmasters of old. A website designed with quality organic content attracts more visitors and keeps them coming back. It also attracts links from other sites, which the search engines love. If you follow the guidelines and continually add unique and relevant content to your website, you will likely be rewarded with great rankings!

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