28 January 2013

The List Of Most Influential Social Media Websites For Internet Marketing Firms

By Kyle Piraino

When you think of the beginning of social media, you have to immediately think of MySpace. It was the teenager's paradise, somewhere you could personalize a webpage and have all your friends connected to it. It has lost importance over the years, but it cannot be disputed that it started this whole social media revolution. It would definitely not be used by any internet marketing firms, but it would definitely still be on the list of important social media websites if not for music alone.

At the bottom of this list that people might disagree with is Facebook. I personally do have a Facebook, but I've started to realize that it is not as useful as it was previously in its life. When it first started, it was wildly popular because it was just easier to use than MySpace which was its only competitor. Lately, there are too many other sites that can be used for what Facebook used to be used for. Online marketing firms still use it and many people are still joining, but I believe it will eventually get phased out by other more useful sites.

Number 3 on the list that is a less popular site is Pinterest. Although it is not as big as others, it is used by a large portion of women on social media. It is mostly about showing your interests through pictures that you pin to your personal page and following people that share the same interests. Not as popular as others, Pinterest is still gaining speed and will be important for a long time.

A website that has taken over the picture posting game is Instagram. The "gram" as some people call it, is hugely popular with people who enjoy taking a lot of pictures. The added bonus is that you can edit your photos with different filters that help enhance the appearance of those photos. These can be easily shared to different websites as well as an ability to follow people that share good pictures makes Instagram a very popular and important social media site.

By far the most important website in the world today is Twitter. Because of its ability to share information so quickly, Twitter is extremely versatile. Not only can you share any type of media you want, but you follow just about any person that you find interesting. From news to sports to celebrities, there is almost nothing you can't find out if you follow the right people. With the addition of the hash-tag, twitter has revolutionized social media and the way that people gain information, which is why it is number 1 on this list.

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