03 April 2014

Are Direct Mail Campaigns Effective In 2014?

By Yusef Naser

With so much advancement in technology used by consumers, sometimes you wonder if it is still worth it to implement conventional marketing campaigns. Take direct mail, for instance. A lot of companies are spending less on direct mail and more on online marketing efforts. That is understandable because it is true that more and more consumers are spending time online shopping and taking care of their daily business. But does direct marketing still have a place in 2014?

You know that you need to keep attracting new customers when you own a business, so how can you do this with direct mail marketing? Here are some ideas to keep the profits flowing. One of the perks of direct mail is that the customer actually handles your mail and is much more likely to read it than when he is bombarded with emails or pop up ads. The first step to a successful direct marketing campaign is finding your audience.

Older consumers are not addicted to electronic media. They read more, and it does not seem to matter what the medium is. If they receive a printed catalog in their mail at home, they will browse through it. If they see something they like, they may just pick up the phone at the moment and place an order.

However, with so much junk mail clogging a person's mail box at home, direct marketing must be very focused and personal. Direct marketing letters must look like they are specially written to the consumer. Even junk mail will often be addressed to the consumer by name, so the marketing letter must include some pieces of information that is directly relevant and personal to the consumers. For example, if the letter is from a real estate agent soliciting business, the letter should include market information of the consumer's neighborhood, how much a house down the block sold for recently, and other bits of information that speaks personally to the consumer.

Direct mail campaigns are an effective solution to the advertising challenges of 2014. They have a definite role to play in the growth of your business. Plan your campaign with care and watch your profits grow.

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