06 August 2014

Run A Cron Job On Dreamhost

By Dhruv Patel

Do you have a project that is in need of a host, or you are thinking of switch in your hosting out because you are sick and tired of the current one you have. Are you tired because your hosting provider isn't doing its job. Well, the Dreamhost cron job interface might be the most ideal fit for you.

You don't have to run anything, because it can be done behind the scenes, and all the tasks that the script has to accomplish can be run behind the scenes without anybody having to enable it manually. Another interesting feature is that it is time and date based, so of you just assume that on January the 20th, you want to send out an email to a whole lot of people at exactly a certain time. You can set it just for the date or for the exact time. That means that at 12:20 on January the 20th, the script is going to be triggered and it will start doing what it is meant to do.

Even though the company had some issues regarding the server stability and security years back, it doesn't mean that it still is, or will ever again be the same way. Recent analysis proves that the firm has improved its performance and security in such a way that the only way it can be measured is by saying the word tenfold.

The control panel, by the way, is very intuitive and it is not just a catch phrase that someone is using to make a sale. Most hosting companies can guarantee 99% servers uptime, but the difference between them and this firm is that Dreamhost gives you 100% server uptime guarantee. They do really stand by their word.

The system is absolutely simple to use, it gives you the idea that you might be a genius, because you are constantly overflowing your mind with questions, such as "how can this be so easy to navigate through?". That can't really be said about other hosting companies, but back at this provider, it is wonderful that things happen so fast.

You don't have to worry about anything. You also get some additional features installed from the provider, such as unlimited data transfers, web site storage, email hosted domains, and many more things that you can tweak to whatever degree you like. All these are things you will need, regardless what you are doing out there.

When people talk about culture, most of them are associating this world with very fancy lunches, golfing and that sort of thing. On the web, culture and reality goes side by side and it definitely does not fit that profile. Their work is almost like a sport, a situation where you are fighting to prove what you believe in.

The site is a great place to go, due to the fact so much stuff is offered at such low prices. On the plus side, this firm has quite a good reputation among its users. This could be due to the support that they are ready to provide. As long as you have a question, you can feel free to ask it. That is the reason why this firm is one of the leading companies in the world. The company has grown so rapidly in the last few decades, that it now covers more than 1500 high tech servers worth of data, which Is really astonishing.

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