29 August 2014

The Merits Of Online Journal Diary To Online Businesses

By Marlene Blevins

A journal in accounting is the book where business transaction entries are first made as they occur. With latest developments in e-commerce, online journal diary has emerged to tap the new businesses based on the internet. There are several advantages of online journals which are discussed below.

The web-based journals use automated sequences of instructions in such a way that any activity in the website of the online business automatically gets recorded. When a person logs into the website, a record is made, when someone tampers with information or data on the site a record is also made. This works to prevent errors of original entry and to prevent fraudulent activities.

An automatic billing capability which sends out charges to clients when bills are due is the other advantages of web-based journals. The workload associated with offline journals when you are using manpower to go through all entries and send bills each billing period is a forgotten case with this. Invoices are created and automatically send to all clients.

Group emailing can be enabled for automatic emails. All you need is to create emailing groups of clients and you memorize the reports to be send, they will be send on the schedule you have set. In offline journals, you have to create these schedules and send them manually which is prone to delays caused by human errors or emergencies which are unavoidable.

It is always good to know where you clients are coming from. The web-based journals can do this for you by recording the location of the client who is buying from you. This can be a way of knowing where to focus marketing campaigns for your products and which products to be specific depending on the number of transactions of a particular product by clients from that location.

The web-based journal gives an opportunity for multiple transactions to be recorded at the same time. With traditional journals, you can only record a transaction at a time. The web-based journal is thus able to save time for the employees of the organisation. This also ensures easier consolidation of the accounts at the end of the accounting period for two reasons. One, the consolidation is only a button click away and secondly because the system can run multiple functions at a time.

The bank transactions are updated immediately as they occur in web-based journals. Unless on very rare occasions when there is technical error on your site, all the bank transactions are entered corrected without any error. With this happening in real time, possibility of hackers getting in your site and destroying all your data is not high because even if they deface your site, all the transactions up to the time they hacked were recorded and back up created

The list of advantages of online journal entries does not end there. Due to automation of these entry recordings, operational costs of running the business will be lowered. You only need one administrator to be managing the journal.

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