01 October 2014

Yahoo Hiring Ad Blocker Start Up Clarityray

By Dirk Wade

News as it that the big old company Yahoo is facing quite a few problems and issues lately. They have released a little tip to others stating that they are in need of an ad blocker company to help them out. Well, we have seen many companies go this route because things on the internet do not seem to stick and really becomes a problem in no time. Big companies like Yahoo are always in the state of worry, since they do not want anyone to be able to hack into their files online.

Yahoo has stated that they want a company that can block their ads. They are most likely going to go with ClarityRay. This company is known for it's amazing work in making sure you and your files are protected at all times of the day. The company recently issued a statement saying that their vision has always been to make the ecosystem safe and sustainable for everyone involved - meaning consumers, advertisers and publishers. Their goal is to help the online advertising industry work towards that direction by measuring and identifying the biggest hurdles. They want to bring traffic clarity to their clients, and have the goal of becoming an industry standard offering.

I totally understand why Yahoo would trust this company, because it could literally get any job done and in no time. I am looking forward to hearing more about how this company performs with Yahoo. If, ClarityRay does good with Yahoo it will open up a ton of doors with itself and it will get a ton more business from other services.

While little is known about the ad security efforts that are mentioned in the recent acquisition statemtn, ClarityRay does promote ad-blocking protection on its own website.

I am glad the Yahoo is taking all the steps it needs to take to make sure that it is protected and has the safety that it needs. If, you are someone at home who also needs safety just like Yahoo does you should probably also be checking out ad blocker services that can help you out.

Overall, I am glad that Yahoo is taking matters into their control before everything gets messed up. Like they all say it it is always better to be safe than sorry and right now in Yahoo's case this is exactly what I would like to say. If, you would like to read my full review on this matter just simply visit my site and you will see it.

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