02 June 2017

Simple Ways To Safely Handle A Rolling Walker

By Michelle Olson

People don't usually think of walkers as being dangerous or a hazard. Most of the individuals who use them are senior citizens or those recovering from surgery. It surprises many that this equipment is routinely responsible for concussions, broken bones, and crashes. It's good to be careful around people who are using this equipment, but the operator has some responsibility when it comes to using a rolling walker safely.

If the equipment is not adjusted to your height, you will either have to bend over to use it correctly or have your arms in an uncomfortable position. Ideally walkers should be at wrist height when your arms are hanging loosely at your sides. Holding onto it while walking beside it is not how it was intended to be used. Although it is sometimes tempting to look down, you should stand as straight as possible and watch where you're going.

People who use walkers have to be aware of their surroundings. This is a good idea for everybody, but those with a piece of equipment in front of them have to be doubly vigilant. You never know when someone will leave a stray book or toy on the floor. Running into something can cause you to lose your balance. Uneven steps, rugs, and doorway strips can all be hazardous when navigating with walkers.

If you need glasses or hearing aids, you should wear both when operating this equipment. It is a good idea to look both ways before entering a hallway or room to make sure someone else isn't just outside. You shouldn't follow too closely behind another person, and you shouldn't travel too fast for conditions.

If walkers are not in good working order, they can be dangerous. You should inspect the wheels for any trash or debris you might have picked up. The rubber tips on leg bottoms need to be secure and unworn. If the seat tips back and forth, it should be screwed tighter.

Walkers are not ladders, and you shouldn't climb on them. They are also not wheelchairs. They are not intended as vehicles for one person to push while another rides. They can, and will, tip over if they are used improperly. Too many packages or grocery bags may also cause them to become unsteady and topple over.

Common courtesy dictates some situations that concern people with walkers. Leaving them in aisles in movie theaters can be dangerous and violate fire codes. When you are seated at a restaurant, the waiter will probably be happy to take your walker to an area out of the way of other guests.

Whoever invented walkers did a great service for people with mobility issues. Unlike a wheelchair, walkers allow individuals to stand and move around. They can get some exercise and have a degree of independence at the same time.

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