01 November 2013

You Can't Master Online Marketing Until You Become Good At Communicating

By Donald Arellano

When you are new to IM, the field can seem very intimidating, particularly if you don't possess any knowledge of the field. As you go through forums and articles, you'll find all sorts of lists about what you should do to be the next big thing. The items on these lists likely all seem conflicting.

One will state that you must be patient if you desire Lead Generation to be the next big thing. Another is going to say that you must have lots of business savvy. You'll also find several that will say that you must be very creative if you wish to succeed. And, as can be expected, there are going to be lots of sales pages claiming they have the software or class to teach you how to be the next big thing.

Here's the facts: All of these things matter (well, perhaps not the software package, but the other things). You must have patience, business savvy and creativity if you desire to be successful. Of course, if you are not able to intelligibly communicate with buyers and clients, none of the rest of it will basically matter.

Good communication involves more than merely creating a kick-ass sales page. A seasoned copywriter can handle that aspect of your project. A gorgeous site and lengthy FAQ are not what you need for good communication. A skilled web designer and writer can take care of those things. Being a good communicator calls for learning to handle interpersonal communication as well as your copy and website. So, how do you do that?

1. Respond to each and every email sent to you within 24 hours of it hitting your inbox. This is no jest. The email doesn't need to be very long. All you need to do is write a brief note that says something like "I got your e-mail and will be sending you a detailed response shortly." When you do this, try including a a portion of the original e-mail. This helps the person you email tell your mail apart from the automated replies that other online marketers use.

2. Try not to let the telephone go on ringing. Don't screen your calls. When your phone starts ringing, answer it before it rings three times. You should do this even if the Caller ID tells you that the call is from somebody that you truly do not want to talk to. The good news is that there is, however, an exemption to this rule. You don't need to answer your phone 24 hours a day. Instead of this, schedule distinct "business" hours that you are available to take phone calls. Indicate your business hours on your site and mention them in your voice mail message. And, naturally, return phone calls if people were not able to reach you the first time.

3. Follow up with customers to be sure that they have gotten your memos, emails, letters, etc. This demonstrates to the individual that you value him or her. You'll endear yourself further with the people you work with and who purchase from you if you ask them if they have any questions and check to see to it that they understood the points you were trying to make.

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